Package turbogears :: Package widgets :: Module forms :: Class RepeatingFormField

Class RepeatingFormField

source code

         object --+                
        base.Widget --+            
    base.CompoundWidget --+        
         object --+       |        
                  |       |        
        base.Widget --+   |        
                      |   |        
            InputWidget --+        
        CompoundInputWidget --+    
           RepeatingInputWidget --+
     object --+                   |
              |                   |
    base.Widget --+               |
                  |               |
base.CompoundWidget --+           |
                      |           |
     object --+       |           |
              |       |           |
    base.Widget --+   |           |
                  |   |           |
        InputWidget --+           |
                      |           |
    CompoundInputWidget --+       |
                          |       |
        FormFieldsContainer --+   |
                              |   |
         object --+           |   |
                  |           |   |
        base.Widget --+       |   |
                      |       |   |
            InputWidget --+   |   |
                          |   |   |
                  FormField --+   |
                              |   |
              CompoundFormField --+
Known Subclasses:

A field that can be repeated.

Nested Classes

Inherited from base.Widget: __metaclass__

Instance Methods

Inherited from RepeatingInputWidget: dictify_value, params_for, update_params, value_for

Inherited from FormFieldsContainer: display_field_for, get_field_by_name, render_field_for

Inherited from CompoundInputWidget: adjust_value, error_for

Inherited from base.CompoundWidget: __init__, display, iter_member_widgets, render, retrieve_css, retrieve_javascript

Inherited from base.Widget: __call__, __repr__, __setattr__

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  member_widgets = ['fields', 'hidden_fields']
  params = ['repetitions', 'convert', 'disabled_fields', 'field_...
  params_doc = {'convert': 'Should the value be coerced by the v...

Inherited from RepeatingInputWidget: repeating, repetitions

Inherited from CompoundFormField: is_required

Inherited from FormFieldsContainer: disabled_fields, fields, hidden_fields

Inherited from base.CompoundWidget: compound

Inherited from FormField: css_classes, field_class, help_text, label

Inherited from InputWidget: convert, validator

Inherited from base.Widget: css, default, engine_name, javascript, template


Inherited from FormFieldsContainer: file_upload

Inherited from FormField: field_id, name

Inherited from InputWidget: error, fq_name, is_validated, name_path, path

Inherited from base.Widget: is_named

Inherited from object: __class__

Class Variable Details




{'convert': 'Should the value be coerced by the validator at display?'\
 'css_classes': 'List of extra CSS classes for the field',
 'field_class': 'CSS class for the field',
 'repetitions': 'Number of repetitions that should be rendered'}