Package turbogears :: Package widgets :: Module base :: Class CompoundWidget

Class CompoundWidget

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object --+    
    Widget --+

A widget that can contain other widgets.

A compound widget is a widget that can group several widgets to make a complex widget. Child widget names must be listed at their widget's ``member_widgets`` attribute.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, *args, **kw)
Widget initialization.
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Iterates over all the widget's children
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display(self, value=None, **params)
Display the widget in a Kid template.
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update_params(self, d)
Update the template parameters.
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value_for(self, item, value)
Get value for member widget.
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params_for(self, item, **params)
Get params for member widget.
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Get JavaScript for the member widgets.
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Get CSS for the member widgets.
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Inherited from Widget: __call__, __repr__, __setattr__, adjust_value, is_named, render

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  compound = True
  member_widgets = []

Inherited from Widget: __metaclass__, css, default, javascript, name, params, params_doc, template


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, *args, **kw)

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Widget initialization.

All initialization has to take place in this method.
It's not thread-safe to mutate widget's attributes outside this method
or anytime after widget's first display.

*Must* call super(MyWidget, self).__init__(*args, **kw) cooperatively,
unless, of course, your know what you're doing. Preferably this should
be done before any actual work is done in the method.


name     : The widget's name. In input widgets, this will also be the
           name of the variable that the form will send to the
           controller. This is the only param that is safe to pass as a
           positional argument to __init__.
template : The template that the widget should use to display itself.
           Currently only Kid templates are supported. You can both
           initialize with a template string or with the path to a
           file-base template: "myapp.templates.widget_tmpl"
default  : Default value to display when no value is passed at display
**params : Keyword arguments specific to your widget or to any of it's
           bases. If listed at class attribute 'params' the will be
           bound automatically to the widget instance.

Note: Do not confuse these parameters with parameters listed at
"params". Some widgets accept parameters at the constructor which are
not listed params, these parameter won't be passed to the template, be
automatically called, etc..

Overrides: object.__init__
(inherited documentation)

display(self, value=None, **params)

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Display the widget in a Kid template.

Returns an elementtree node instance. If you need serialized output
in a string, call 'render' instead.

Probably you will not need to override or extend if inheriting from


value   : The value to display in the widget.
**params: Extra parameters specific to the widget. All keyword params
          supplied will pass through the update_params method which
          will have a last chance to modify them before reaching the

Overrides: Widget.display
(inherited documentation)

update_params(self, d)

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Update the template parameters.

This method will have the last chance to update the variables sent to the template for the specific request. All parameters listed at class attribute 'params' will be available at the 'params' dict this method receives.

*Must* call super(MyWidget, self).update_params(params) cooperatively, unless, of course, your know what you're doing. Preferably this should be done before any actual work is done in the method.

Overrides: Widget.update_params
(inherited documentation)

value_for(self, item, value)

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Get value for member widget.

Pick up the value for a given member_widget 'item' from the value dict passed to this widget.

params_for(self, item, **params)

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Get params for member widget.

Pick up the params for the given member_widget 'item' from the params dict passed to this widget.


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Get JavaScript for the member widgets.

Retrieve the JavaScript for all the member widgets and get an ordered union of them.

Overrides: Widget.retrieve_javascript


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Get CSS for the member widgets.

Retrieve the CSS for all the member widgets and get an ordered union of them.

Overrides: Widget.retrieve_css