Package turbogears :: Package toolbox :: Package catwalk :: Class CatWalk

Class CatWalk

source code

            object --+    
controllers.Controller --+

Model Browser.

An administration tool for listing, creating, updating or deleting your SQLObject instances.

Version: 0.9

Author: Ronald Jaramillo

Copyright: Copyright 2005 Ronald Jaramillo

License: MIT

Instance Methods
__init__(self, model=None)
CatWalk's initializer.
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register_static_directory(self) source code
error(self, msg='')
Generic error handler for json replies.
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load_object(self, object_name)
Return a class reference from the models module by name.
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load_instance(self, object_name, id)
Return and instance of the named object with the requested id
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object_field(self, row, column)
Get object field.
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multiple_join_count(self, row, column)
Return the total number of related objects.
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related_join_count(self, row, column)
Return the total number of related objects.
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object_field_for_foreign_key(self, row, column)
Return the foreign key value.
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update_object(self, object_name, id, values) source code
remove_object(self, object_name, id)
Remove the object by id.
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extract_parameters(self, cols, values)
Loop trough the columns and extract the values from the dictionary.
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extract_foreign_key(self, value, not_none) source code
extract_decimal_value(self, value, not_none) source code
object_instances(self, object_name, start=0)
Return dictionary containing all instances for the requested object.
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foreign_key_alternatives(self, foreign_key, column_label)
Return list of dictionaries containing the posible foreignKey values.
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encode_label(self, label) source code
headers_and_rows(self, objectName, rows)
Return a tuple containing a list of rows and header labels.
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object_joins(self, objectName, id, join, joinType, joinObjectName='')
Collect the joined instances into a dictionary.
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object_representation(self, obj)
Utility method that returns a stripped object representation.
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get_column_type(self, column)
Given a column representation return the column type.
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column_title(self, column) source code
column_default(self, column, column_type) source code
column_not_none(self, column) source code
get_column_properties(self, column_name, column)
Return a dictionary containing the column properties.
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get_string_properties(self, column, properties)
Extract the SOStringCol properties from the column object.
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get_foreign_key_properties(self, column, properties)
Extract the foreignKey properties from the column object.
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object_columns(self, object_name)
Return list of columns properties arranged in dicts.
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get_columns_for_object(self, obj)
Return list of columns properties arranged in dicts.
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get_inherited_columns(self, obj)
Return the columns inherited from the parent class
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is_inheritable_base_class(self, obj)
Check if the object is a direct subclass of InheritableSQLObject
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Return the path to the catwalk session pickle.
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Retrieve the pickled state from disc.
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save_state(self, state)
Pickle the state.
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hide_columns(self, view, columns='') source code
toggle_columns_visibility_state(self, view, columns)
Toggle the columns visibility and store the new state.
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load_columns_visibility_state(self, view)
Return a list of hidden columns names for the requested view.
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load_label_column_for_object(self, objectName)
Get the column name (foreignKey label) for an object.
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column_label_for_object(self, objectName, columnName)
Store the column name (foreignKey label) for an object.
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load_column_order(self, object_name)
Get the column order.
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save_column_order(self, object_name, columns_bsv)
Save the preferred order of the object's columns.
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order_columns(self, object_name, cols)
Return a rearranged list of columns as configured by the user.
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save_model_order(self, models)
Store the new order of the listed models.
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load_models_order(self) source code
order_models(self, models) source code
add(self, **v)
Create a new instance of an object.
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update(self, **values)
Update the objects properties.
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remove(self, objectName, id)
Remove and instance by id.
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remove_single_join(self, object_name, id, join_object_name, join_object_id)
Remove a single join instance by id.
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saveModelOrder(self, models)
Save the preferred order of the listed models.
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columnOrder(self, objectName, cols)
Save the preferred order of the object's columns.
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instances(self, objectName, start=0)
Get object instances.
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manageRelatedJoins(self, objectName, id, join, relatedObjectName, **vargs)
Get related joins.
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updateJoins(self, objectName, id, join, joinType, joinObjectName, joins)
Update joins.
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updateColumns(self, objectName, column)
Update a column.
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updateColumnsJoinView(self, objectName, id, join, joinType, joinObjectName, column)
Update column in join view.
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joins(self, objectName, id, join, joinType, joinObjectName)
Get joins.
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object_instance(self, object_name, id) source code
instance(self, objectName, id)
Get object instance.
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columnsForLabel(self, objectName, foreignObjectName, foreignKeyName)
Get columns for label.
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setColumnForLabel(self, objectName, foreignObjectName, foreignKeyName, columnName)
Set columns for label.
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columns(self, objectName, **kv)
Return JSON structure containing a list of column properties.
source code
models(self) source code
Return JSON structure containing a list of available objects.
source code
Main CatWalk page.
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Inherited from object: __delattr__, __format__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __sizeof__, __str__, __subclasshook__

Class Variables
  __label__ = "CatWalk"
  __email__ = ""
  browse = Browse()
  need_project = True
  icon = "/tg_static/images/catwalk.png"

Inherited from controllers.Controller: is_app_root


Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, model=None)

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CatWalk's initializer.

  • model (yourproject.model) - reference to a project model module
Overrides: object.__init__

error(self, msg='')

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Generic error handler for json replies.

  • @expose(format= "json")

load_object(self, object_name)

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Return a class reference from the models module by name.

  • object_name (string) - name of the object

object_field(self, row, column)

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Get object field.

Returns a dict containing the column name and value for the specific column and row,

  • row - model instance
  • column (dict) - dict containing columnName, title, type, eventually join, joinMethodName and/or options

extract_parameters(self, cols, values)

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Loop trough the columns and extract the values from the dictionary.

  • cols - column list
  • values - dict of submitted values

object_instances(self, object_name, start=0)

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Return dictionary containing all instances for the requested object.

  • object_name (string) - name of the object

foreign_key_alternatives(self, foreign_key, column_label)

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Return list of dictionaries containing the posible foreignKey values.

  • foreign_key (string) - name of the foreignKey object
  • column_label (string) - name of the column to use as instance identifier

headers_and_rows(self, objectName, rows)

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Return a tuple containing a list of rows and header labels.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • rows - list of intances

object_joins(self, objectName, id, join, joinType, joinObjectName='')

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Collect the joined instances into a dictionary.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • id (string) - id of the instance
  • join (string) - name of the join (joinMethodName in SQLObject parlance)
  • joinType (string) - name of join type
  • joinObjectName (string) - otherClassName (in SQLObject parlance)

get_column_properties(self, column_name, column)

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Return a dictionary containing the column properties.

Depending on the column type the properties returned could be: type, title, join (otherClassName), joinMethodName, length, varchar, labelColumn, options

  • column_name (string) - name of the column
  • column - column instance

object_columns(self, object_name)

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Return list of columns properties arranged in dicts.

  • object_name (string) - name of the object

get_columns_for_object(self, obj)

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Return list of columns properties arranged in dicts.

  • object - model instance


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Return the path to the catwalk session pickle.

By default this is located in a directory named 'catwalk-session' beneath your application's package directory or, if the package name can not be determined, below the current directory.

The directory must be writable by the server and will be created if it does not exist. You can specify a different directory if you set the config setting 'catwalk.session_dir' to an absolute path.

toggle_columns_visibility_state(self, view, columns)

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Toggle the columns visibility and store the new state.

  • view (string) - name of the grid view to be stored
  • columns - name of the columns to be hidden or shown
  • column (bar separated string)

load_columns_visibility_state(self, view)

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Return a list of hidden columns names for the requested view.

  • view (string) - name of the grid view to be stored

load_label_column_for_object(self, objectName)

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Get the column name (foreignKey label) for an object.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object

column_label_for_object(self, objectName, columnName)

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Store the column name (foreignKey label) for an object.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • columnName (string) - name of the column to use as foreignKey label

load_column_order(self, object_name)

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Get the column order.

If the user has rearranged the columns order for an object, this will return the preferred order as list.

  • object_name (string) - name of the object

save_column_order(self, object_name, columns_bsv)

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Save the preferred order of the object's columns.

@param object_name: name of the object
@type object_name: string
@param columns_bsv: bar (|) delimited columns names
   @type columns_bsv: string

order_columns(self, object_name, cols)

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Return a rearranged list of columns as configured by the user.

  • object_name (string) - name of the object
  • cols (list) - original list of columns following the default table order

add(self, **v)

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Create a new instance of an object.

  • v - dictionary of submitted values
  • @expose(format= "json")

update(self, **values)

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Update the objects properties.

  • values - dictionary of key and values, as a bare minimum the name of the object (objectName) and the id
  • @expose(format= "json")

remove(self, objectName, id)

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Remove and instance by id.

This doesn't handle references (cascade delete).

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • id (string) - id of the instance to be removed
  • @expose(format= "json")

remove_single_join(self, object_name, id, join_object_name, join_object_id)

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Remove a single join instance by id.

This doesn't handle references (cascade delete).

  • object_name (string) - name of the host object
  • id (string) - id of the host instance
  • join_object_name (string) - name of the join object
  • join_object_id (string) - id of the join instance to be removed
  • @expose(format= "json")

saveModelOrder(self, models)

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Save the preferred order of the listed models.

  • @expose(format= "json")

columnOrder(self, objectName, cols)

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Save the preferred order of the object's columns.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • cols (string) - columns names separated by '|'
  • @expose(format= "json")

instances(self, objectName, start=0)

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Get object instances.

Returns a JSON structure containing all instances of the requested object.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • @expose(format= "json")

manageRelatedJoins(self, objectName, id, join, relatedObjectName, **vargs)

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Get related joins.

Returns a JSON structure with a list of related joins for the requested object, and a list of all joins.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • id (string) - id of the instance
  • join (string) - name of the join (joinMethodName in SQLObject parlance)
  • relatedObjectName (string) - otherClassName (in SQLObject parlance)
  • @expose(format= "json")

updateJoins(self, objectName, id, join, joinType, joinObjectName, joins)

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Update joins.

Drop all related joins first, then loop trough the submitted joins and set the relation.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • id (string) - id of the instance to be removed
  • join (string) - name of the join field (joinMethodName)
  • joinType (string) - type of the join (Multiple or Related)
  • joinObjectName (string) - name of the joined object (otherClassName)
  • joins (string) - comma delimited string of join instances id's
  • @expose(format= "json")

updateColumns(self, objectName, column)

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Update a column.

Toggle (and store) the state of the requested column in grid view display.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • column (string) - name of the column to be hidden
  • @expose(format= "json")

updateColumnsJoinView(self, objectName, id, join, joinType, joinObjectName, column)

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Update column in join view.

Toggle (and store) the state of the requested column in grid view display for a join view.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • id (string) - id of the 'parent' instance
  • join (string) - name of the join (joinMethodName in SQLObject parlance)
  • joinType (string) - name of join type
  • joinObjectName (string) - otherClassName (in SQLObject parlance)
  • column (string) - name of the column to be hidden or shown
  • @expose(format= "json")

joins(self, objectName, id, join, joinType, joinObjectName)

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Get joins.

Return a JSON structure containing a list joins for the requested object's joinMethodName.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • id (string) - id of the instance
  • join (string) - name of the join (joinMethodName in SQLObject parlance)
  • joinType (string) - name of join type
  • joinObjectName (string) - otherClassName (in SQLObject parlance)
  • @expose(format= "json")

instance(self, objectName, id)

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Get object instance.

Return a JSON structure containing the columns and field values for the requested object

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • id (string) - id of the instance
  • @expose(format= "json")

columnsForLabel(self, objectName, foreignObjectName, foreignKeyName)

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Get columns for label.

Return a JSON structure with a list of columns to use as foreignKey label.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • foreignObjectName (string) - name of the object the foreignKey refers to
  • foreignKeyName (string) - name of the object foreignKey field
  • @expose(format= "json")

setColumnForLabel(self, objectName, foreignObjectName, foreignKeyName, columnName)

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Set columns for label.

Exposed method that let you store the column name to be used as foreignKey label for the requested object.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • foreignObjectName (string) - name of the object the foreignKey refers to
  • foreignKeyName (string) - name of the object foreignKey field
  • columnName (string) - name of the column to use as foreignKey label
  • @expose(format= "json")

columns(self, objectName, **kv)

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Return JSON structure containing a list of column properties.

  • objectName (string) - name of the object
  • @expose(format= "json")


source code 

Return JSON structure containing a list of available objects.

  • @expose(format= "json")


source code 

Main CatWalk page.

Import the proper client side libraries and set up the placeholder for the dynamic elements.

  • @expose(template= 'turbogears.toolbox.catwalk.catwalk')