– tgext.geo Commands¶tgext.geo.commands.
(name)¶Create a geo controller and accompanying functional test
The TGGeoController command will create the standard controller template file and associated functional test.
Example usage:
yourproj% paster geo-controller foos
Creating yourproj/yourproj/controllers/
Creating yourproj/yourproj/tests/functional/
If you’d like to have controllers underneath a directory, just include the path as the controller name and the necessary directories will be created for you:
yourproj% paster geo-controller admin/foos
Creating yourproj/controllers/admin
Creating yourproj/yourproj/controllers/admin/
Creating yourproj/yourproj/tests/functional/
(name)¶Create a geo model
The TGGeoModel command will create the standard model template file.
Example usage:
yourproj% paster geo-model foos
Creating yourproj/yourproj/model/
If you’d like to have models underneath a directory, just include the path as the model name and the necessary directories will be created for you:
yourproj% paster geo-model admin/foos
Creating yourproj/model/admin
Creating yourproj/yourproj/model/admin/
(name)¶Create a geo layer (controller + model).
The TGGeoLayer command will create the standard controller and model template files. It combines the TGGeoController and TGGeoModel commands.
Example usage:
yourproj% paster geo-layer foos
Creating yourproj/yourproj/controllers/
Creating yourproj/yourproj/tests/functional/
Creating yourproj/yourproj/model/
If you’d like to have controllers and models underneath a directory, just include the path as the controller name and the necessary directories will be created for you:
yourproj% paster geo-layer admin/foos
Creating yourproj/controllers/admin
Creating yourproj/yourproj/controllers/admin/
Creating yourproj/yourproj/tests/functional/
Creating yourproj/model/admin
Creating yourproj/yourproj/model/admin/
(name)¶Create a tilecache controller and accompanying functional test
The TGGeoTileCache command will create the tilecache controller template file and associated functional test.
Example usage:
yourproj% paster geo-tilecache tiles
Creating yourproj/yourproj/controllers/
Creating yourproj/yourproj/tests/functional/
If you’d like to have controllers underneath a directory, just include the path as the controller name and the necessary directories will be created for you:
yourproj% paster geo-controller admin/tiles
Creating yourproj/controllers/admin
Creating yourproj/yourproj/controllers/admin/
Creating yourproj/yourproj/tests/functional/