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Ajax Grid Widget




DataGrid helps you to present your data on a page in a tabular form. DataGrid’s purpose is to render a list of same-kind objects (such as a list of your model instances) in a nice, tabular layout with minimal efforts. The DataGrid subclass, FastDataGrid, integrates nicely with FastData controllers by providing inline links to edit or delete an object or create new objects of the same type.

Differences between DataGrid and FastDataGrid

DataGrid requires you to describe what you’re going to display via “fields” parameter at construction time. FastDataGrid is sophisticated enough to figure out how to display an arbitrary SelectResults instance (this is the type of object returned when you call .select() on your SQLObject model object).

They also have different Kid templates. DataGrid’s template is very simple and on purpose – the goal is to be easy to grasp and easy to extend/replace with a custom one. On the other hand, the FastData template is much more sophisticated, designed to work within FastData environment. It is intended to be used “as is”, giving the user certain hooks to customize its appearance.

Basic DataGrid usage

Suppose you want to display a list of users in your system. Here is a sample User class definition (note that it’s not an SQLObject – just a plain Python class):

class User:

    def __init__(self, ID, name, email_address):
        self.user_id = ID = name
        self.email_address = email_address

   def display_name(self):

Note that the @property decorator is only available since Python 2.4. If you are using Python 2.3, you can define display_name as follows:

display_name = property(fget=lambda self:

Given the above definition, you may want to display Users in the following form:

from turbogears.widgets import DataGrid

users_admin_form = DataGrid(fields=[
    ('ID', 'user_id'),
    ('Name', 'display_name'),
    ('E-mail', 'email_address')

As you have probably guessed, the fields parameter defines what would be displayed by this DataGrid instance and how. Each tuple defines a single column in the resulting table; the first tuple’s element defines the column title while the second element defines the “accessor’”. The accessor may be a string, naming an attribute of the model object, such as "user_id" or a property’s name, such as "display_name", but it can also be a callable, for example a parameterless method of you model object. See more on this below, under “Advanced DataGrid Usage”.

To display a users’ table you pass an iterable yielding User instances to the users_admin_form.display() method:

users = [
    User(1, 'john', ''),
    User(2, 'fred', '')

The result will look something like this:

<table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="3">

FastData integration

For a FastData environment you’re mostly likely to use FastDataGrid:

from tgfastdata import DataController
from tgfastdata.datawidgets import FastDataGrid
from model import User

class Root(controllers.RootController):
    users = DataController(sql_class=User, list_widget=FastDataGrid())

Now, if you access the /users/ page, you should see a table with a list of users, along with edit/delete icons and an “Add a record” link at the bottom.

Note that, unlike with the plain DataGrid class, you don’t need to pass a fields parameter to FastDataGrid. Instead, FastDataGrid is able to inspect the passed SelectResults instance to extract SQLObject’s metadata. In other words, a FastDataGrid instance can easily render arbitrary SQLObjects while with DataGrid you need to list the instances’ fields explicitly. You may still want to pass ‘’fields’’ parameter to FastDataGrid if you want to customize the representation of the fields: which fields are shown, their order and how they are displayed. In fact, if you don’t want to change any FastDataGrid options at instantiation time, you don’t need to pass a FastDataGrid instance to the DataController explicitely at all, as this widget will be used by default for lists, if you don’t pass a different one:

class Root(controllers.RootController):
    users = DataController(
            ('User', 'user_name'),
            ('Name', 'display_name'),
            ('E-mail', 'email_address'),

Add something like this to your admin_users template:

${list_widget.display(data, show_actions=False, add_link_title='Add User')}

Customizing the FastDataGrid representation

You can tweak FastDataGrid’s representation to a certain extent by passing configuration options at “display time” (when you call grid.display() from your template). The following options are supported:

  • show_actions
  • show_add_link
  • add_link_title,
  • delete_link_msg

I hope their meaning is self-explaining. Most up-to-date list of these options can be found at the top of the datagrid.kid file in the turbogears.fastdata.templates sub-package.

Using Identity with FastDataGrid

To use IdentityManagement with a FastDataGrid, you must create a subclass of DataController and identity.SecureResource:

class SecureDataController(DataController, identity.SecureResource):

And to use it in a controller:

class Root(controllers.RootController):
    some_fastdatagrid = SecureDataController(sql_class=Whatever)
    some_fastdatagrid.require = identity.in_group('some_group')

Customizing DataGrid representation

Unlike, FastDataGrid, DataGrid’s template provides no customization hook. On the other hand it is really simple and easy to understand so if you need to customize DataGrid’s representation, simply copy it and tweak as you see fit. To use your template with a DataGrid use the template constructor parameter, just like with any Widget.

Advanced DataGrid usage

In addition to the simple DataGrid definition shown above, you can use fields parameter in a more “advanced” ways.

Using a callable instead of an attribute name

Sometimes simply displaying an attribute like display_name is not enough. In the case of an identity-based User object, you may want to format the permissions a user possesses nicely. To do this, you provide a callable object instead of the attribute name. The callable is then called with a row object and the returned value is inserted in a table cell.


def format_user_permissions(u):
    # ok, nothing fancy here but you get the idea
    # Hint: use Kid's XML function to return HTML markup.
    return ', '.join(u.permissions)

users_admin_form = DataGrid(
        ('ID', 'user_id'),
        ('Name', 'display_name'),
        ('Permissions', format_user_permissions)

Note that a parameterless method of your model class is a suitable callable object:

class User:

    # ...

    def get_last_login(self):
        "Returns last login's timestamp."

users_admin_form = DataGrid(fields=[
    ('ID', 'user_id'),
    ('Name', 'display_name'),
    ('Last logged in', User.get_last_login)

Using DataGrid.Column

Instead of a two-element tuple, you can use an instance of DataGrid.Column (or subclass thereof) when defining DataGrid’s fields. This is only useful if you’re using a custom DataGrid template as well.

The idea of the DataGrid.Column is to be able to specify arbitrary additional ‘’options’’ along with a column which are then used in template to alter the template’s logic.

As an example, you can add a sortable option to all columns that shall be sortable by clicking on their header:

users_admin_form = DataGrid(fields=[
    DataGrid.Column('id', 'user_id', 'ID',
    DataGrid.Column('name', 'display_name', 'Name',
    DataGrid.Column('loggedin', 'get_last_login', 'Last logged in'),

You would only need to modify the Kid template of DataGrid like that:

<thead py:if="columns">
    <th py:for="i, col in enumerate(columns)" class=":doc:`/col`${i}">
      <a py:strip="not col.get_option('sortable', False)"
        href="${tg.url('',}" py:content="col.title"/>

Other ways of specifying columns

Two side notes (valid for TurboGears > only):

Instead of using DataGrid.Column, you can also pass options as a third item in a 3-tuple, or you can pass only the accessor (i.e. an attribute name or a function).

You can set the standard option align to 'center' or 'right' for specifying centered or right-aligned columns.

Using DataGrid without a model

All the examples above assumed some model class, like User, being used to display in DataGrid. In fact, you can use DataGrid with any kind of data, not necessarily proper instances. The only “hindrance” is that you have to always specify a callable object as a field’s accessor. Example:

from operator import itemgetter

grid = DataGrid(fields=[
    ('Name', itemgetter(1)),
    ('Country', itemgetter(2)),
    ('Age', itemgetter(0))

data = [
    (33, "Anton Bykov", "Bulgaria"),
    (23, "Joe Doe", "Great Britain"),
    (44, "Pablo Martelli", "Brazil")

Note that itemgetter() is only available since Python 2.4. If you are using Python 2.3, you can use lambda row: row[n] instead of itemgetter(n).

Error handling

DataGrid does not intercept any exception that may be raised during iteration or accessing a particular object’s attribute.