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Use TurboGears with Python 2.3

You can use Python 2.3 but TurboGears depends heavily on decorators and the occasional decorator sneaks into the codebase. With TurboGears 1.0.x everything should work on Python 2.3 (if not, file a bug). Later versions of TurboGears (like 1.1 and 2.0) will require at least Python 2.4 to easy the maintenance burden for the TurboGears developers.

The main difference is that all decorators get transformed:

def foobar(self):


def foobar(self):

Alternatively, you can use:

def foobar(self):
foobar = expose(template="")(foobar)

Multiple decorators

Sometimes you need to have multiple decorators for a function:

from turbogears import expose, error_handler, validate
def foobar(self, email):
foobar = expose(template="")(foobar)
foobar = error_handler(your_handler_function)(foobar)
foobar = validate(validators={"email": YourCustomValidator()}) \

You can see in the example above that functions using multiple decorators in Python 2.3 don’t look very nice. If you use Python 2.4 you can write the code above as:

from turbogears import expose, error_handler, validate

@validate(validators={"email": YourCustomValidator()})
def foobar(self, email):