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Designer-Friendly Templates

Since Kid templates are standard XHTML, you can open them directly in your browser without them first being fed through the controller. Thus, when it is important or useful for you, you can make the templates look great all by themselves before controller content is added. This is helpful in maintaining MVC discipline by allowing designers to develop their templates independently from the programmers.

While much of your markup will render correctly without the controller, there are a few things you need to watch out for, such as:


Sometimes, it’s inconvenient or impossible to have a stylesheet href that works properly when viewing the template directly and after the template is rendered. To get around this, you can use href to handle viewing the template in your browser and py:attrs to handle the rendered page. For example:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/Path/To/File.css"

When you’re viewing the template in your browser, your browser will only look at the href attribute, therefore your stylesheet will be loaded properly. When the template is rendered for the final view, Kid will substitute the value that’s in py:attrs, so that the stylesheet works properly on the web.


When dealing with JavaScript, this same approach as above will work for the src attribute on the script tag.

Variable Substitutions

In Kid you can embed not only variables, but also any Python expression by enclosing them in curly braces and putting a $ sign in front, like ${expr}. The curly braces are actually not even needed for simple variable substitutions:

<th>Customer name:</th><td>$name</th>

However, you may want to make the raw template look more like the final output in the browser, i.e. insert a real name instead, so that the designer gets a better impression of the final output. You can do this with the py:content directive:

<th>Customer name:</th><td py:content="name">John Doe</td>

Sometimes the variable substitution is not the whole content of a tag, like here:

<li>Customer name: $name</li>

You can then use an auxiliary tag with the py:replace directive so that it will not appear in the final output:

<li>Customer name: <span py:replace="name">John Doe</span></li>