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PostgreSQL is somewhat less familiar than MySQL to many people, but offers a lot of advantages over most other Open Source databases.

Here’s a quick guide to using PostgreSQL with Turbogears.

PostgreSQL Setup


You will need psycopg2 if you’re going to use Unicode, otherwise either psycopg or psycopg2 will do it. We recommend using psycopg2 because of other features besides unicode.

Installation options (recommended first):

  1. Use your package manager
  2. Look for binaries at the install page
  3. Build it yourself using these instructions.


Download and use the installer from here.


For Darwin Ports:

$ sudo port install postgresql8


$ sudo port install portgresql7

If you are using a different installation of PosgresSQL, for example the One click installer, and you need to install the psycopg2 package for Python support, please read this blog article about Installing psycopg2 on OS X, which explains an easy fix to an compilation problem on OS X.


The basic form of a DSN for using PostgreSQL is as follows:


The default port for PostgreSQL is 5432, but may vary depending on configuration. If your postgres server is listening on its default port, this can be absent from the DSN, making it simpler:


Using a Unix domain socket

As long as you don’t require remote access, using a local socket has a lot of advantages over TCP sockets:

  • Up to 25% faster
  • Easier to secure (uses filesystem permissions)
  • Doesn’t waste a TCP port

With PostgreSQL, if the hostname starts with a /, then the hostname is taken to be an absolute path to a Unix domain socket rather than a hostname. However, there are (as of this writing), bugs in the DSN parser for SQLObject that fails to separate the socket path from the database name. A DSN like this works around that issue:


Note that I’m not specifying a username or password. If you are sharing the socket with many users, you will want to do so, but if you are running your own instance of PostgreSQL (which I recommend) then you can forgo database-level authentication schemes and just use Unix file permissions to restrict access.

If there is no local user matching the database user, you would normally configure the Postgres server via the pg_hba.conf file to require a password for this user.

When connecting via a unix domain socket you can specify the username and password like this:


Known issues

  • Catwalk has a bug that causes a hang the first time the application is started with Catwalk mounted. The workaround is fairly straightforward: simply create the requisite Catwalk tables by hand then re-run the application.

    The required SQL (at the time of this writing) is:

    CREATE TABLE catwalk_state_table (
        state BYTEA

    Use the psql command to run this query and you’ll be set.